Sunday, January 27, 2008

Welcome to Chastity St James' Guide to Modern Etiquette

We no longer live in an age where one's social status can be measured by how one holds one's teacup. Many formal rules of etiquette, especially ones involving gloves, no longer apply to the modern young man or woman. However, there are still many social mores and rules of etiquette that one is expected to follow.

The etiquette and rules outlined in this blog are distinctly for an Australian audience. We live in a country where there are many standards of expected behaviour, but very little information given about these standards.

This blog will not merely answer such mysteries as what, exactly, a fish knife looks like, but will also give information about correct etiquette and proceedure for parties of all levels of formality, how to behave correctly in a cafe or restaurant, how to write a formal letter, and even how to conduct oneself in a job interview.

Happy reading!


Chastity St. James

1 comment:

Andreea said...

I think this is an awesome! Etiquette is fascinating and I'm not sure there's a guide for modern Australian etiquette out there. I'm definitely going to keep reading. This is Andreea/Andy/Shaula82, by the way.